Thursday, 7 October 2010

Pigeon~ Dove Sculpture latest

The Dove sculpture shown against the sky as a duo and trio

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Little Owl Bronze first images

The first images of the Little Owl Bronze are made and show the details of those white eyebrows and well as a hint of the details including the creatures  hiding on the post amongst the Ivy behind the Little Owl

You can just make out the gleam of red of the Ladybird - this special insect is only to be found on number one of the edition.
You can follow the making of those dedicated range of Limited Edition Bronzes

Sand Martin at the Bird Fair

Visitors to the A Rocha stand at the 2010 Bird Fair could see JOEL at work on the  making of Sand Martins, and ask questions about the casting process and conservation projects run by A Rocha.
The Greensand Ridge Sculpture Project was represented by the  new Little Owl Bronze...which attracted much attention.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Sculpture by JOEL makes fans at the CLA Gamefair

Great Loyalty
the Life Sized Labrador Bronze by JOEL  makes fans at the CLA Game Fair 2010

Friday, 4 June 2010

Sculptress JOEL commissioned to make British Wildlife Bronzes

The Sculptress JOEL, well known for her detailed portraits of people and animals has been commissionedby the Peter Smith Trust to make a series of Bronze  Limited Edition sculptures to help raise funds for Conservation projects on the Greensand Ridge .
Pictured working on the first  of these special sculptures, JOEL with the Little Owl.

JOEL has already received help with accuracy of this species of owl from Rutland  Falconry and Owl Centre and  The World Owl Trust.

Bronze of Deerhound unveiled at Blenheim Palace

two of the responses to the Lifesized Bronze portrait head by the Sculptress JOEL unveiled at Blenheim Palace, at the Art and Design exhibition
Pictured below the proud owner Fiona Laing with her Bronze

Monday, 3 May 2010

Guard of the Manor

Inspired by the lovely Labrador Basil, and his head portrait called "Devotion"  - a small sculpture of a labrador lying down on guard in his own  place....

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Pigeon Sculpture Commission

The Sculptress JOEL has been asked to make a portrait sculpture of a particular breed of pigeon from the Catalan region of Spain ~ a great challenge  of attention to detail for this variety of bird.

It will become a limited edition and  other numbers will make a spectacular  sculpture feature for  homes, offices or gardens......
More details can be seen at the Bird sculpture website

Friday, 26 February 2010

February 2010 Deerhound and Labrador Sculpture

The sculptress JOEL has been commissioned to  make a sculpture portrait of the head of a special Deerhound and also of another client's dearly  loved male labrador.
The work on the Deerhound has been progressing well since December. The client has brought her wonderful dog to the Tenon Studio for the portrait sessions.

You can see the  whole project unfold here at Portrait Sculpture.
The labrador project will unfold with a  home visit soon.
Four visits later and  the details are complete